Seeing Through the Eyes of Faith - Why Worry?

AUTUMN WATER FALL post by mirror29

Seeing Through the Eyes of Faith
Pastor Adrian Rogers

"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

Let me tell you how to experience God. Get your heart pure, and you will see God with the eyes of faith.

You see, Jesus is not talking about your physical body. You get your spiritual heart right, and your spiritual eye will see.

Hebrews 11:27 says that Moses "endured as seeing Him who is invisible." You get your heart right, and you'll see the invisible the face of your spouse, your child, your grandchild. You'll see Him in the scriptures. God will become a bright, living reality to you.

Put on the eyes of faith today and find God creating and sustaining life. Maybe there is a woods nearby--or trees in your neighborhood--ablaze with the colors of autumn.

Do you see the hand of God?

Why Worry?

part 1

Pastor Andy Stanley

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