The Open Door

OPEN DOOR post by Logan5

The Open Door
Martha Meister Kiely

"Behold, I have set before you an open door." Rev. 3:8

It was the closing moment of a church officers' retreat. The setting was a summer cottage, bare of all common religious symbols. The final thought was presented by one who used as a worship center the open door of the cottage. She suggested to us that it was the symbol of Christian opportunity. Through that door we would soon be departing to serve his name. One could feel his presence challenging us to "go into all the world."

Doors swing on hinges which are like excuses. They can either open the door or shut it. God prefers one good deed to a million good excuses. The priest and the Levite who ignored the sad plight of the man who fell among thieves were probably in a hurry to get to an important meeting. Their excuses may have been excellent, but they never had a chance to present them. Our Lord prefers actions to apologies.

Today do this: Be alert to need. Opportunities come often by chance; but readiness, never.

Pray: Forgive us, O God, that we have ignored great opportunities. Keep us alert today, that we may know and do thy will. In the name of Christ. Amen

Devotions for Women at Home by Martha Meister Kiely, page 106; Abingdon Press ISBN #0-687-10679-6

Just Outside the Door

SITUATION We can live in assurance and calm. Despite troubles around us. If we love and trust God, he will be with us. We have nothing to fear if we put our trust in our Guardian.

INSPIRATION We have the assurance that in the storms of life today, Jesus himself will be standing just outside the door waiting to be invited in. He is waiting to share a meal with us, waiting to share our sorrows, to renew our courage, to come in and talk intimately.

We are not alone. We never shall be. He has to be there; all we need to do is open the door to Him. What is your need today? Do you need comfort in your personal trails? Christ is waiting. Do you need forgiveness for your sins? He is knocking. Do you need to make a NEW commitment to serve God with your life? Whatever your spiritual need, right now Christ is knocking at that door of your heart. He is Lord of the universe, and He wants to be Lord of your life as well. (From Storm Warning by Billy Graham)

APPLICATION What will you depend on today for your needs? Although you may be tempted to trust earthly means more than God, have more confidence in God than anything else!

EXPLORATION Assurance-- Psalm 46:1-3, Isaiah 43:1-7; Jeremiah 1:6-8; 1 Corinthians 2:4

The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, Max Lucado General Editor, New Century Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers


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