Lifestyle of Obedience

Lifestyle of Obedience
Dr. Charles Stanley

Genesis 6:9-22

A lifestyle of obedience requires commitment and perseverance. Noah needed both as he obeyed the Lord’s instructions to build a large boat with a roof, doors, and three decks. God spelled out the exact measurements, the type of wood to use, and the way to make the vessel watertight. It was essential that Noah adhere to every detail if the ark was to house all the animals and stay afloat.

Scripture does not describe reactions to the project, but knowing human nature, we can imagine the disbelief and rejection Noah probably experienced. Yet he worked faithfully to the end and “did everything just as God commanded him” (v. 22 niv).

The Lord wants us to follow His instructions precisely. Unfortunately, we like to add some of our desires to His plan. We are like a child whose parent assigns three chores. The first is done satisfactorily, the second is put off until another day, and the third is skipped because the girl deems it unnecessary. This is not obedience.
In our case, we know we’re called to show compassion and kindness, forgiving others as the Lord forgave us (Col 3:13). However, our human nature wants to pick and choose which parts of Scripture we’ll obey. God blesses those who wholeheartedly follow Christ (John 12:26).

Many people in the Bible saw obedience as their goal. Abraham determined to go wherever God led. Moses felt inadequate but still carried out the Lord’s plan. Paul did an about-face to become Christ’s disciple. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to follow the path of righteousness.

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 "Drive-Through Religion"

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