Are You Looking For The Messiah?


Today's scripture reading from the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is the The Book of Obadiah  whose name means servant of "Yahweh" or "worshipper of Yahweh. This book is 1 Chapter and 21 prophetic verses. May your day be blessed by the reading of God's Word.

SITUATION A bloody feud between Edom and Israel continued from the days of Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:19-34). Obadiah denounced Edom's cruelty and pride, and then prophesied that Israel would be restored as a nation with extended territory.

OBSERVATION God always protects and takes care of his children. With God on their side, His children are never underdogs.

INSPIRATION I have never met a Christian who had lost their assurance. Our security rests in the hands of an unconditionally loving heavenly Father. One who gave His best to insure our fellowship with Him forever. Our assurance rests in understanding and acceptance of these glorious truths.

For some people, the problem is erroneous teaching; for others, the problem is guilt. But whatever the reason, the result is the same, a lack of assurance. And when assurance goes, the basic building blocks of the relationship go also.

More is at stake than assurance. The very gospel itself comes under attack when the eternal security of the believer is questioned. Placing the responsibility for maintaining salvation on the believer is adding works to grace. Salvation would no longer be a gift. It would become trade--our faithfulness for His faithfulness.

This is a far cry from the good news Jesus preached and Paul heralded. Their gospel was salvation by faith--and only by faith.

The salvation spoken of by Jesus and Paul takes place at the moment in time yet seals the believer for all time. This faith moves the Judge not only to forgive and pardon the sinner, but to adopt him into His own family as well.

...Why the mercy? Why the kindness? The only answer is love--love of such magnitude that all human illustrations fall short, love that is unconditional at its core with no hidden agendas and no fine print. God's love is such that He accepts us just the way we are but refuses to leave us there...

God has gone to great lengths to make our relationship with Him possible. Doing so cost Him His Son. But the sacrifice of His Son did far more than merely provide us with the possibility of such a relationship: it guaranteed the permanency of that relationship as well.

Your salvation is secure. My prayer is that you would experience the assurance of this precious and costly gift. (From Eternal Security by Dr. Charles Stanley)

APPLICATION Have you ever felt that you were out of favor with God? Did you try to ask Jesus into your heart again, and again? Jesus comes the first time! He stays! Be confident that he will never leave you for you are his child.

EXPLORATION Security -- Psalm 17:8-9; 18:2-3; 27:1; Proverbs 18:10; 1 Peter 1:3-4.

DIGGING DEEPER  Chuck Missler - Obadiah & The Enigma of the Edomites

The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus - Max Lucado General Editor, New Century Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Are You Looking For The Messiah at the Beginning of the Harvest?

Tomorrow April 21, 2011 is also know as Nisan 17  "The Feast of First Fruits."

 In ancient times, on this day, a sheaf (omer) of barley (the first grain crop to ripen) was waved before the Lord in a prescribed cermony to mark the start of the "counting" of the omer, thereby initiating the forty-nine days (7 week) countdown to the harvest festival of Shavuot aka the "feast of weeks," that marks the culmination of the Omer period. Although Shavuot began as an ancient grain harvest festival, the holiday has been identified since biblical times with the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

The wave offering and the Resurrection of Yeshua are linked together prophetically by the Apostle Paul:

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21For as by a man came death,(Dby a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming  those who belong to Christ.  1 Corinthians 15:20-23

To learn more about God's prophetic calendar please go here: The Wave Sheaf Offering

Lincoln Brewster - I Belong To You


You light my way everyday
You help me see what I can be
I cry to You, my spirit song
Come use my life for You alone

You caught my soul when I was struggling to breathe
You made me whole and now Your majesty I see
I belong to You
Yes, I belong to You

I hear Your voice; it leads me on
Into Your arms where I belong
I cry to You, my spirit song
Come use my life for You alone

I know You're everything
You're all I'll ever need
I know You're everything to me

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