Moving In Presumption


Moving in Presumption
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman

"Nevertheless, in their presumption they went up toward the high hill country, though neither Moses nor the ark of the Lord's covenant moved from the camp." Numbers 14:44

The people of Israel were brought out of Egypt to enter a new land-the Promised Land. This land was not handed over to them freely; it required the removing of God's enemies through battle. It required a partnership between God and the people. As long as the people remained true to God, they were victorious.

The people were camped at Kadesh Barnea, near the border entrance to the long-awaited Promised Land. All the hardships of their journey from Egypt were now culminating at this important crossing. However, Joshua and Caleb were the only scouts who proclaimed faith in God to take them into the land and conquer their enemies. The other spies saw all the dangers and refused to take the risk. The people of the camp shrank in fear because of their report. They decided not to enter in.

God was angered at the people for their lack of faith. Moses had to intercede on their behalf. Once they realized what they had done, it was too late. But they thought their repentance was enough to right their wrong. They presumed this was all that was necessary.

Moses informed them they were deceived in their presumption of God's favor. They went to battle against the Amalekites only to be soundly defeated. Those who returned did not understand why they lost the battle.

It is important for us to know whether we have God's hand upon our endeavors. Presumption leads to failure. God's favor leads to success. Ask God to confirm His hand on your endeavors.

..."If Your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here" (Exodus 33:15).

Today's Prayer

Lord, Please make me a blessing. I present myself to you, a living sacrifice, for ministry to the world. I pray that I would see others through your eyes of love and concern and that I would ask myself "What would Jesus do?" Please forgive me of the times I have been selfish or apathetic, for the times I have missed out on the opportunity to minister and be a blessing. I pray for all the people in my family and community who need a blessing right now. I pray for Christians around the world who need your hand of blessing right now. Lord, you know the need. You are good, all the time. I pray that in your mercy, you will will reach out in the way you know best and meet those needs, uplift those spirits, bless those souls, for your glory. In Jesus' name, amen.

Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman

When Delays Are a Blessing
Pastor Adrian Rogers

"And therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you." Isaiah 30:18

Many times the Lord will deliberately delay that He may be gracious to us. When Lazarus fell sick, his family sent for Jesus. Instead of coming immediately, Jesus waited (see John 11:1-46). He held back until Lazarus was dead. And if you read John 11:15, you'll see that He said, "I'm glad," because He had something greater in mind.

God waited four thousand years to send the Lord Jesus Christ after He made that promise. But Galatians 4:4 says He came in the fullness of time. Never late, never ahead of time, never in a hurry.

Are you in a waiting game...praying days, weeks, months, even years, for something...and God hasn't answered? Be still and know that in the fullness of time your request will be answered.

For more from Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers, please visit

He Is God by Fahren {video by Kool Christian Girl}

He is God over all
He loves us
Nothing is impossible for Him!

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