Pixadus: Puddle Jumper
post by Skip, photo: Queen'slace
Trading My Sorrows
READ 1 Kings 17:1-24
SITUATION Elijah was the first of many important prophets God sent to warn Israel and Judah as the two kingdoms fell away from God. Israel especially needed the prophets because of an evil king and unfaithful priests.
OBSERVATION The widow demonstrated her faith by feeding the prophet with her last meal. That devotion led to her son being restored to life.
INSPIRATION We serve the God who designed the universe and set our world in motion. But those hands that hung the stars in the heavens also wiped away the tears of the widow and the leper. And they will wipe away your tears as well.
There has never been a time in the history of this globe when there was not a rain cloud somewhere on the earth. There may be blue skies for us occasionally, but the rain always comes. So instead of looking for ways to escape problems, look for methods to face them head on.
Father, you are God and Creator, but we come to you as children coming to their father, as children who would ask their father to hold and comfort them, hoping to receive words of wisdom. (From The Inspirational Bible, "Sorrow")
APPLICATION Jesus Christ is not only the Sin-bearer but also the Sorrow-bearer. He can wipe away the tears of all who are hurting. You can run to God, the Friend who sticks closer than a brother. But God also uses human instruments. Let the body of Christ minister to you as well.
EXPLORATION Sorrow- Genesis 21:17-20; Exodus 3:7-10; Isaiah 53:11; Matthew 11:28-30; 2 Corinthians 7:10-11.
The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New Century Version, Max Lucado General Editor.
God has put into each of our lives a void that cannot be filled by the world. We may leave God or put Him on hold, but He is always there, patiently waiting for us...to turn back to him."
"One of the best ways to demonstrate God's love is to listen to people." Bruce Larsen
"Love's finest speech is without words." Hadewijch of Bradbant
"Man has been given two ears and only one tongue that he might listen twice as much as he speaks." Walter Colton
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