Rest In The Lord and Wait

Rest in the Lord and Wait
Martha Meister Kiely
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him." Psalm 37:7

The old rocking chair is being temporarily stored in the attic to make room for the streamlined vibrating chair designed to shake off tension and worry. If our troubles were only skin-deep, this contraption might offer promise; but inner tensions of our spirits are too deep to be rubbed off by a machine. Relaxation is brought about by resting in God with perfect confidence and faith in his ability to keep what we commit to him.
A reporter sent to interview a women celebrating her one hundredth birthday uncovered a brand of relaxation which could well be mimicked by tense, overwrought Christians. When asked how she accounted for her long life, she continued rocking in her chair and smilingly confided, "I just sit loose, and when I worries I go to sleep."
Si Mack, executive director of films and broadcasting for the National Council of Churches, survives the ferment of a hectic schedule because, as he puts it, "I figure that God takes my job at night and gives it back to me the next morning."
Today relax from the inside out.
Devotions for Women at Home, Martha Meister Kiely, page 21 Abingdon Press Nashville, TN ISBN #0-687-10679-6


I'm desperately wanting to just find a way
I'm searching and seeking for someone to say
That it's alright and it's okay like I know You can
That it's alright and it's okay like I know You can

You alone are God
I am Yours and You're mine
And I know the Heavens will call out Your name if I don't

I close my eyes and I drift away
To a place I remember, to a place I feel safe
Where it's alright and it's okay cause I'm there in Your arms
Where it's alright and it's okay cause I'm there in Your arms

You forgive me, You accept me just as I am
And You love me, and You want me to understand

I am Yours, You are mine
And I will worship You, yeah, worship You

And with all the Heavens
I worship You alone cause You alone are God

You Alone by Echoing Angels

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