Ezekiel's Tomb on the Edge of Destruction

"It was Ezekiel -- who inspired the Jewish people
in their darkest hour to never forget its ethical legacy
and to never stop believing in a better tomorrow...."

by Ariel Harkham

A short fifteen-minute drive outside Kerbala, Iraq, one can witness the frontlines of the clash between East and West, Islamism and progress. There, in the small town of Al-Kifl, lies -- at least at the time of this writing -- the 2,500-year-old Tomb of the Prophet Ezekiel. But for the first time in recorded history, the Tomb is threatened not by the collateral damage of war, nor the ignominies of thieves and bandits, but by a planned, government-authorized, and taxpayer-funded demolition. The Jerusalem Post and various watchdog groups have reported that the Iraqi Cultural and Antiquities... (Read Full Article)

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