Oswald Chambers
"The conduct of our lives
is the only proof of the sincerity of our hearts."
Rober Dick Wilson
The plain fact is we don't like the truth. Our credo is: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you squirm.' Our dislike for truth began at the age of three when mom asked, "Did you hit your little brother?' We knew then and there that honesty had its consequences.
Not only do we not like the truth, be we don't trust the truth. If we are brutally honest (which is advisable in a discussion on honesty), we'd have to admit that the truth seems inadequate to do what we need done.
We want out bosses to like us, so we flatter. We call it polishing the apple. God calls it a lie.
We want people to admire us, so we exaggerate. We call it stretching the truth. God calls it a lie.
We want people to respect us, so we live in house we can't afford and charge bills we can't pay. We call it the American way. God calls it living a lie.
Do you tell the truth . . . always? If not, start today. Don't wait until tomorrow. The ripple of today's lie is tomorrow's wave and next year's flood. Start today. Be just like Jesus. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Think of the most reliable and honest person you know. How do you feel when you are with that person?
How does it change a relationship when you suspect someone is being dishonest with you?
How can honesty keep us from getting ahead in our professional lives?
How would you explain to a child the importance of truthfulness?
List some dynamics that keeps us from being brutally honest with ourselves and others?
How do people usually respond when they get caught in a lie?
What tactics do we use to avoid the truth about ourselves?
Describe how important it is to you that the significant people in your life are truthful with you, even when it hurts.
What truths do you need the courage to tell?
The Devotional Bible- Experience the Heart of Jesus - Max Lucado General Editor, New Century Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, page 1172.
Why Worry - Part 3
Do you tend to worry more about the future than today?
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