Bible Prophecy Today
The Big Red One
Posted: 27 Apr 2009 02:30 PM PDT
By Jim Fletcher
I was having dinner recently — in a German restaurant — and overheard an elderly man tell his wife, “I haven’t been this nervous since D-Day.” Normally I don’t eavesdrop, but this was too intriguing.He was explaining that coupled with end-of-life issues, he was deeply worried about our culture.When they finished their meal, I approached him and put out my hand. I thanked him for
In my life God is always in the small stuff. And this morning is certainly no exception. When I read this article posted on Bible Prophecy Today, written by Jim Fletcher you could have blow me away. Below are two D-Day prayers for the Troops that I had started to post on Sunday but didn't.
At the end of this article Mr. Fletcher writes:
"The noose is tightening around Israel, and, by extension, those who love her.
We are heading across the Channel now; it won’t be long. But instead of fear, I feel joy. Excitement. We need not be nervous at the things we see unfolding. We are on the right side, and this world might hurt for a little while, but a glorious morning is coming"
And I will add my two cents that while we WAIT we must be STRONG and let us PRAY for one another.
Sunday, April 26 8:10 pmTWO PRAYERS FOR THE TROOPS
I hope that this is not a sign of things to come for either our nation or the world. But world news it seems is changing about as quickly as someone changes their clothes and only God knows the future. So taking my cue from the Holy Spirit below are two prayers written for the troops on D-Day. May these prayers strengthen you during times of trouble and tribulation in the coming days and months ahead.
Litany for D-Day: 1944
Henry Morton Robinson
"Give us courage and gaiety and the quite mind. Spare to us our friends, soften to us our enemies. Bless us, if it may be, in all our innocent endeavors. If it may not, give us strength to encounter that which is to come, that we be brave in peril, constant in tribulation, temperate in wrath, and in all changes of fortune and down to the gates of death, loyal and loving to one another."
"Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations." Amen.
Colonel James H. O'Neil, prayer for good weather, December 1944. General George S. Patton Jr. ordered Colonel O'Neil, chaplain of the Third Army to produce this prayer.
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