"Shall We Dance?"

"Shall We Dance?"
Minister Tracey L. Green

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you. I Peter 5:10

The Word declares that we are changed from glory to glory. As we allow the Word of God to become so en-grained in our hearts and spirit, there is a transformation that occurs and is captured by both natural and spiritual eyes. Metamorphosis is defined as a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism. The evolutionary process of a caterpillar to a butterfly is a common example of metamorphosis. The caterpillar is tucked away in darkness, away from the public’s visual eye. Yet, there is a creative work going on. Every day, during this refining process, the caterpillar is shedding part of its former existence to embrace a new one. In like manner, we as believers must become willing to submit to the process of the cocoon. We must allow ourselves to partake of the change process of the work of the Spirit, so that we can have our own spiritual transfiguration experience.

Our crowning goal is to be conformed into the image of God. The Greek term for image is eikon (i-kone; GR #1504) which means a representation of or resemblance of another. When we willfully submit to the evolutionary process, we should begin to look just like our daddy - Father God! People should begin to see the gradual resemblance begin to take place. It gives a father great joy to watch his children grow up; particularly sons, and see a reflection of themselves in their development. As such in the lives of believers, there should be a resemblance of our Father within our lives. As we master each level of growth and development, we will shed our former nature and prepare for promotion to the next level.

As those who ascend throughout this developmental process of son ship and intimacy with the Father, there is a greater dependence and reliance forged as we continually yield to the guidance of His Spirit. Romans 8:14 declares, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. The Greek word for led is ago (pronounced ag-oh #71). It is defined to lead, drive, induce, bring forth, and to be open to. Being Spirit-led involves an unconditional surrender of our minds, wills, and agendas to the supremacy of God's rule. During the formative process of this relationship with God, there may certainly be times of stutter-steps, hesitancy, and miscues in our obedience. However, as we continue to daily press into the flow of the Spirit of God, we will gradually begin to gain balance, stability, and momentum. We will earn our "sea legs" as we learn to ride the waves of the Spirit.

When we speak about being Spirit-led, what does that really mean? I want to liken being Spirit-led to ballroom dancing. As a couple begins to dance, one of the partners must surrender their right and capability to lead. This is not to say that the person is unable to lead; but for the dance to be graceful and rewarding to both parties, one must yield control to the One who knows the direction and techniques of the dance step. When we place our hand into His hand, God then has our consent to lead us as He deems necessary. The unity and mutual cooperation of the couple also creates a flow. As we come into agreement with the Spirit of God, there will be a consistent and fluid stream of the grace of God on our lives.

In this hour, it is imperative for the Body of Christ to come into this state of oneness with God. We must press to get in and maintain the flow of the Spirit in our lives. There are internal and external enemies that are striving to prevent us from truly embracing God's purpose for our lives. Yet, God gives us this vote of confidence in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think about you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you an expected end". We can then place our lives in His hands with confidence; knowing that He has our best interests at heart. As we begin to move in synchronized motion with Him, oneness and fellowship are established. This must become our new mission in life. One fluid flowing motion in coordinated step with Him - not in front of or behind Him. Therefore, God is issuing a clarion call in the Spirit to His sons - "Shall we dance"?

The Synergy of Unity

The Word of God gives us a model of such fellowship between God and Man to know that it is attainable. Genesis 5:24 depicts Enoch’s existence and relationship with God. He was of the seventh generation born from Adam and of the lineage of Seth. In the dispensation of long lives, Enoch began to walk with God at the “young” age of sixty-five years. The Word records that he walked with God for three hundred years. Genesis 5:21-24 declares And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. During his life, Enoch enjoyed such wonderful communion and fellowship with God that God made a point to highlight his brief existence in the earth. No matter how brief it was, it was equally dynamic. He and God were in such a flow of interaction and fellowship that one day they just continued discussing until he was not. Enoch translated the natural elements of time and matter and step into an eternal realm. The communion did not cease – it just transcended to another realm and dimension. Hebrews 11:6 gives this account: By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

What a testimony! Imagine walking in such a realm of intimacy and communion with God that He extends an invitation for you to join Him in eternity – just to continue the conversation! This is the heart of the Father. There is no respect of persons with God. He continues to search throughout the earth and ages for those who fear Him and seek His Face.
The Call is still going forth. Who will answer the Call?
Matthew 22:14 proclaims, "For many are called, but few are chosen." The Chosen are those that He knows will hear and answers the Call, sanctified themselves unto the Lord, submit to the refining work of the Spirit of God, and set their hearts to walk in absolute unity and agreement with the Father. It is with these individuals who He will reveal and share the secrets of His counsel. I believe that this degree of intimacy is a new warfare for the day. Only those who will press into His presence will receive the blueprints and strategies needed to be victorious. Hear the heart of the Father – Come!

BridgeBuilders Ministries International of Grand Rapids, MI USA

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