"When a trumpet blows a warning in a city, the people tremble. When trouble comes to a city, the Lord has caused it. Before the Lord does anything, he tells his plans to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:6-7
SITUATION: God called Amos, a shepherd form Judah, to prophesy against the Northern Kingdom (Israel). Amos' prophecy preceded the Assyrian captivity.
OBSERVATION: God holds people accountable for their actions. He judged the Israelites for their evil works, and he will also examines our works.
INSPIRATION: The wrath of God is his righteous indignation and fury against sin and unrepentant (refusing to change) sinners. Although we would rather think of his love, mercy, and grace. God's wrath is as much a divine perfection as any of his other attributes: "It is not the ignoble outburst that human anger so often is, a sign of pride and weakness, but it is holiness reacting to evil in a way that is morally right and glorious."
God's wrath is revealed in Hades and in the lake of fire, which is the same as hell.
No man or woman has to go to hell. God provided deliverance at enormous cost, but individuals must receive (believe without doubt) God's salvation by faith.
If a person refuses mercy, there is no alternative but wrath. If now doesn't want to go to heaven on God's terms, there is no other place but hell.
The contemplation of the wrath of God should give us compassion for the lost and desire to see them fleeing to the arms of Jesus. We should pray, give, and go out in active evangelism to our relatives, neighbors, and friends. (From Alone in Majesty by William MacDonald)
APPLICATION: How do you react when you consider God's wrath? Does it cause you to have compassion for those who right now are outside God's love and forgiveness? Think of one or two people you can pray for with whom you can share Jesus' saving grace.
EXPLORATION: God's judgment - Exodus 34:7; 1 Samuel 3:3; Job 34:10; Psalm 9:7; Romans 2:5-6; Hebrews 10:30-31.
"As drastic as it
may appear, God will
allow a person to
experience hell on earth,
in hopes of awakening his faith.
A holy love makes the tough choice
to release the child to
the consequences of his rebellion."
- Max Lucado (The Great House of God)
The Devotional Bible - Experiencing The Heart of Jesus by Max Lucado General Editor; New Century Version, Thomas Nelson Bibles
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