The Inside of the Cup

The Inside of the Cup
Martha Meister Kiely
"You cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate." Matthew 23:25

Hypocrisy is despised by both God and man, yet most of us hide some of it in the dark eddies of our being. Both saint and sinner try to appear more righteous than they actually are.

Jesus was particularly fierce in his condemnation of religious hypocrites. Their attempt to appear pious and devout when actually they were filled with pride, selfishness, and arrogance reminded Jesus of a slothful dishwasher. Such a one bothers to wash only the par that will be seen and leaves the inside of full of scum and grease. But the inside of the dish, which touches food, is of even greater importance than that which is seen. Likewise, we must remember that "man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (KJV)

Today try and see yourself as God sees you. Hold yourself up to the light of God as revealed in Christ, and you will see clearly what needs to be cleansed.

Read: 1 John 1:5-10

Pray: Our Father, we know that is we please the whole world and displease thee, it profits us nothing. Cleanse us, redeem us, and make us thine. Teach us to love what is holy and despise what is vile. Amen.

Devotions for Women at Home by Martha Meister Kiely, pg 95 Abingdon Press ISBN 0-687-10679-6

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