I Need A Nap!

I Need a Nap!
From the Heart of
Dr. Rexella Van Impe
On the closing night of our citywide crusade in Rochester, New York, I went down front after the service to greet people, sign Bibles, and just enjoy a time of fellowship with our friends there.

As always, several children gathered around me -- we seem to have a special affection for each other. The photographer who was covering the crusade for us asked if I'd pose for a photo with his two children. When he finished taking the shot, one of the youngsters, a little boy, crawled up in my lap.

"I'm tired," he said, "I need a nap." Then he nestled inside my arms, laid his head trustingly on my shoulder, and started to go to sleep.

In a few minutes his dad came and took him from me, but as I sat looking down at that beautiful child resting in my arms, I remembered how Jesus taught that we must receive the kingdom of God in simple, childlike faith and trust... and rest in Him.

The Lord invites us to come to Him when we are tired and worn out and "take a nap," secure in His care. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

Why, then, are so many plodding along, worn out and exhausted, loaded down with burdens and care? For these people, life almost seems to be an endurance contest, each day providing another grim challenge.

Could it be because we haven't really learned to trust... or have gotten our eyes on the frailties of men instead of the everlasting arms of the Lord?

A lesson in trust
When my brothers and I were quite young, Dad sometimes would take us swimming in a beautiful fresh water stream. There was a little waterfall that dropped into a natural pool, and my older brother would plunge over that waterfall and splash into the water below.

It looked like such fun... but I was afraid to try it myself. I was four years younger than my brother, and when I climbed up above the falls, the jump down took my breath -- and my courage -- away! No amount of coaxing or wheedling by my brother could convince me to try it.
Finally, my father went into the pool below and looked up at me. "Jump down here, Rexella," he said. "I'll catch you!" And he held out his arms.

Immediately I jumped into the waterfall, down in and under the torrent, deep into the water below. As I came up out of the deep, half laughing, half crying, Dad's strong arms caught me and lifted me up.

After a few more jumps, I was ready to try it on my own... and I was never afraid to go over the waterfall again.

What made the difference? Trust! I knew my father would take care of me and never allow me to be injured. So if he had said to follow him through fire, I would have put my hand in his and started walking!

How much more should we trust our Heavenly Father? When the burdens and troubles of this life are wearing us down, we should come into the presence of God and say, "Lord, I need a nap." Then, casting all our care upon the One who knows and understands all things, we can put our heads upon the bosom of Christ and rest in Him.

Dare to trust God
But we can relax and rest only when we trust God and turn loose of our load of care. It is possible to come to Jesus and present our problems, then go away just as burdened and weighted down as when we came.

We sometimes think we're the only ones who understand just what's at stake. We can't turn loose and fully trust the Lord or anybody else. So we go away sorrowful, trying to worry our way through.

Perhaps you are carrying a heavy load today that has you exhausted, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Dare to trust God.

He sees your concern for those loved ones.

He knows the financial needs you are facing.

He understands the anxiety and indecision that has stolen your peace of mind and kept you awake so many midnight hours.

What would happen if you really trusted the Lord with all of your life? What if you threw yourself into His arms and said, "I need a nap," and let Him take care of you? Would He let you fall, or turn His back on you?

Of course not! He will not -- cannot -- fail. So cast all your care upon Him for He careth for you (see 1 Peter 5:7).

But we must trust Him, yield to Him, wait for Him. How often do we get too impatient, even in prayer? Do we kneel to pray, and instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us, blurt out our frustration and tell God how we think He should meet our need?

In the beautiful words of the poet --

He knows, He loves, He cares,
nothing this truth can dim.
God gives the very best to those
who leave the choice with Him.

The beautiful old gospel song, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," reminds us of the help that is ours when we come, trusting, into His presence.

"Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God... in prayer."

Trust God, my friend. Hear His invitation to come to Him and find rest. Join me in looking up into the wonderful face of Jesus and saying, "I've come to You, Lord, because I need a nap!"
Jack Van Impe Ministries
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